Fairware x PLAN: Fostering the Zero Waste Movement 


Fostering the Zero Waste Movement

At Fairware, we’re always on the lookout for opportunities to build strong relationships and collaborate with likeminded people who share our values. This year, we formed a new partnership with PLAN, the Post Landfill Action Network, to create marketing content promoting the zero waste movement to be shared across our networks.  

PLAN works with schools across the United States to cultivate, educate, and facilitate student-led zero waste movements on campus. They inform students about the waste crisis we’re experiencing today and equip them with the necessary tools and resources to implement solutions in their campus communities.  

At Fairware, we are a full-service promotional merchandise company specializing in ethically sourced, sustainable promotional products. We educate our clients on how to make better decisions with the merchandise they purchase and encourage them to buy products that will help create behavior changes in the daily lives of their recipients. We go beyond eco-friendly promotional products and help our clients build strong campaigns and educational messaging to raise awareness and drive change. 

We work with schools and universities across North America helping them leverage their promotional products to better drive conservation and zero waste behaviors on campus. The partnership seemed like a natural fit and so began our work with PLAN to help promote the zero-waste movement and the efforts of their campus champions. 

PLAN Swag Hierarchy

When we saw PLAN’s Hierarchical Ethical Guide to Buying Swag, we knew we were a match made in heaven. They use this framework to push students to take the time to consider what types of promotional products they’re purchasing.  

PLAN empowers students to make real changes in their communities and they have so many great stories to share from campuses across the country. They’ve helped to facilitate student-led compost pickups, clothing consignment programs, and reusable menstrual product campaigns to name a few.  

We were inspired by these student initiatives and wanted to amplify their efforts, so we sent a team of videographers to select campuses to capture these stories first hand.  

Over the coming weeks, we’ll be releasing these videos to highlight these changemakers and what they do. Stay tuned to learn how you can make positive changes in your daily life, too! 

Want to see some cool examples of sustainable swag? Check out our Top 10 Cool Sustainable Promotional Product Ideas ebook.